Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra

Georgy Sviridov, musical illustrations for Alexander Pushkin's novel The Snowstorm.

Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra
Conductor — Sergey Kondrashev

Georgy Sviridov. Winter Road
Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra. Conductor — Sergey Kondrashev
Georgy Sviridov. Echoes of Waltz
Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra. Conductor – Sergey Kondrashev
The main hero of the fifth season of the project Russian Composers's Heritage Reviving is composer Georgy Catoire.

Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra
Conductor — Sergey Kondrashev


The main hero of the fifth season of the project Russian Composers's Heritage Reviving is composer Georgy Catoire.

Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra
Conductor — Sergey Kondrashev

Georgy Catoire. Mtsyri Symphonic poem
Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra Conductor — Sergey Kondrashev

In the fourth season of the project Russian Composers's Heritage Reviving we revealed the music of the composer Leonid Polovinkin.

Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra
Conductor — Sergey Kondrashev

Leonid Polovinkin. Solace Waltz. Music for The Golden Key musical fairytale.
Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra. Conductor — Sergey Kondrashev.
Leonid Polovinkin. Telescope I
Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra. Conductor – Sergey Kondrashev
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